Meaning:أبارك لشعب الامارات ولجميع الشعوب العربية والإسلامية حلول شهر رمضان المبارك ... شهر خير ونسأل الله أن يجمع قلوب العرب والمسلمين على الخير .. وشهر عمل وسنواصل العمل فيه لخير البلاد والعباد باذن الله— HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) May 16, 2018
“I congratulate the people of the UAE, Arabs and Muslims for the Holy Month of Ramadan. By the grace of Allah, we will continue to work for the good of the country and for its people”~HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
And the Dubai Crown Prince, His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum sent out his own Ramadan wishes in a very memorable and unique way:
The first day of Ramadan started today, Thursday, May 17 and it's expected to end on Thursday, June 14.
Happy Ramadan sirs!