This means “break fast”. It is the meal at sunset to break the the fast.
Pre-dawn meal before the fast begins for the day.
Pre-dawn meal before the fast begins for the day.
Ramadan Kareem
A greeting that means “generous Ramadan”.
A greeting that means “generous Ramadan”.
Ramadan Mubarak
Another greeting to wish people a happy Ramadan, which means “congratulations, it’s Ramadan”.
Another greeting to wish people a happy Ramadan, which means “congratulations, it’s Ramadan”.
The word used for fasting and one of the five pillars of Islam.
The word used for fasting and one of the five pillars of Islam.
This is another of the five pillars of Islam. It requires adult Muslims to pay 2.5 percent of their wealth to the needy. While It can be paid at any time during the year, but is more prominent during Ramadan.
This is another of the five pillars of Islam. It requires adult Muslims to pay 2.5 percent of their wealth to the needy. While It can be paid at any time during the year, but is more prominent during Ramadan.
Prayer, another of the five pillars of Islam. Five prayer times are observed throughout the day, the first at dawn, then at noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and night.
Prayer, another of the five pillars of Islam. Five prayer times are observed throughout the day, the first at dawn, then at noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and night.
Special congregational prayers held each evening during Ramadan, in addition to the five daily prayers.
Special congregational prayers held each evening during Ramadan, in addition to the five daily prayers.
Eid al-Fitr
Meaning “feast of breaking the fast”, this three-day celebration marks the end of Ramadan and the start of “Shawwal” – the tenth month in the Islamic calendar – with prayers, festivities, food and gifts.
Meaning “feast of breaking the fast”, this three-day celebration marks the end of Ramadan and the start of “Shawwal” – the tenth month in the Islamic calendar – with prayers, festivities, food and gifts.
‘Siyam Kareem’
Blessed fasting.
Blessed fasting.
‘Taqabbala Allah’
My God accept your fasting/prayers.
My God accept your fasting/prayers.
‘Embarak alaikum shahr Ramadan’
May the month of Ramadan be a blessing for you.
May the month of Ramadan be a blessing for you.
‘Eid Mubarak’
Blessed Eid.
Blessed Eid.
‘Tafaddal iftar ma3na’
Please join us for iftar.
Please join us for iftar.
‘Hal anta saa’im?’
Are you fasting?
Are you fasting?
‘Anaa saa’im’
I am fasting.
I am fasting.
Hello - Marhaba
Goodbye - Maa’ assalama
Please - Low samaht
Thank you - Mashkoor
Yes - Na’am
No - La
Excuse me - Afwan, Itha samaht
One - Wahid
Two - Ethnin
Three - Thalatha
Four - Arba'a
Five - Khamsa
Six - Setta
Seven - Saba'a
Eight - Thamaneya
Nine - Tes'a
Ten - Ashara
Goodbye - Maa’ assalama
Please - Low samaht
Thank you - Mashkoor
Yes - Na’am
No - La
Excuse me - Afwan, Itha samaht
One - Wahid
Two - Ethnin
Three - Thalatha
Four - Arba'a
Five - Khamsa
Six - Setta
Seven - Saba'a
Eight - Thamaneya
Nine - Tes'a
Ten - Ashara
Happy Ramadan
Ramadan Kareem
Ramadan Kareem
Are you fasting?
Enta sayem? (to a male).
Enti sayma? (to a female).
What is this called?
Shu ssm hal shay?
Enta sayem? (to a male).
Enti sayma? (to a female).
What is this called?
Shu ssm hal shay?
How are you?
Wesh olumak?
Wesh olumak?
Excuse me
Afwan, Itha samaht
Afwan, Itha samaht
Do you speak English?
Tetkallem Engleesi?
Tetkallem Engleesi?
I do not understand
Mu fahem alek
Mu fahem alek
I like this food
Ana aheb hal-akel
Ana aheb hal-akel
Where are you from?
Mn wein bladak?
Mn wein bladak?
What time is it?
Kam el sa'a al-heen?
Kam el sa'a al-heen?
Wetin consign me consign Arabic?