Friday 21 February 2014

News: Pharrell Williams is NOT a vampire: ‘I'm willing to go on record as saying I don’t drink people’s blood’

Just how does Pharrell Williams keep his skin so smooth?
It seems the entire internet is on a quest to uncover the secret behind the singer’s eternal youth.
Memes and GIFs have popped up all over the place, tackling the all-important issue of the N.E.R.D frontman’s face.
Top of the theories? That behind closed doors, he’s a blood-sucking vampire, draining the life out of countless young musicians who thought they’d stepped into his studio for a big production break, but instead left with two deep wounds on the side of their neck and a funk-infused hook that sounds exactly like every Pharrell song ever made.
So to make sure we didn’t believe it, he issued a ‘denial’.
"I'm willing to go on record as saying that I don't drink people's blood," he told Time Out magazine.
"How do I stay so young-looking for a 40-year-old?" he added. "I wash my face."
The well-known music producer is planning to release his second solo album in March, a day after possibly winning the Oscar for 'Happy.’
BTW, his famous Winnie-The-Pooh Grammy hat now has a Twitter account....@Pharrellhat!!!
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