Look, this ain't a shot at Floyd -- considering he made more than double what Messi made this year in 2018 (he raked in $285 million thanks to the Conor McGregor fight) ...but it's interesting to see him fall out of the top 100 altogether. Other notable athletes in the top 10 include Russell Wilson ($89.5 million), Aaron Rodgers ($89.3 million) and LeBron James ($89 million). McGregor made the list at #21 with $47 million earned (last year he was #4 with $99 million). As for cash made straight off endorsements, King James ain't at the top -- it's Federer, with $86 million made off the tennis court. The youngest player on the list is 20-year-old French soccer star Kylian Mbappe with $30.6 million ... so he's got a few years to catch up to Messi.

Culled From TMZ Sports.
No condition is permanent, okay?