"After breaking the villa rules, Sherif had conversations with the producers and it was mutually agreed that he would leave the Love Island villa,” a spokesman for the popular reality series said. Sherif added: “In a case of poor judgement, I broke the villa rules and as a result agreed with the producers that it was best for me to leave the villa. I regret that I didn’t conduct myself in the right way and, as a 20 year old guy, it’s something I know I will take on board and learn from.
“I really enjoyed my time in the villa and look forward to catching up with everyone on the outside.” Sherif entered the villa nine days ago in the first episode of the fifth series.
At the time of his departure from the show, he was coupled up with Anna Vakili.

Photos: Meet the other 'Nigerian' on #LoveIsland, Yewande Biala.
See bobo, so fine!