HH Sheikh Mohammed then shared two tweets about government officials - stating 'there are two types of government officials'.
#علمتني_الحياة أن المسئولين نوعان .. النوع الأول هم مفاتيح الخير .. يحبون خدمة الناس .. سعادتهم في تسهيل حياة البشر .. وقيمتهم فيما يعطونه ويقدمونه.. وإنجازهم الحقيقي في تغيير الحياة للأفضل .. يفتحون الأبواب، ويقدمون الحلول.. ويسعون دائما لمنفعة الناس— HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) August 26, 2018
It roughly translates to:
"Life taught me that there are two types of responsible people .. first type are good doers and love to serve people, their happiness lies in facilitating other peoples’ lives, and their value is in what they give, their real accomplishment is changing life to the better, they open doors and provide solutions and always aspire to benefit people."والنوع الثاني.. مغاليق للخير .. يصعّبون اليسير .. ويقلّلون الكثير .. ويقترحون من الإجراءات ما يجعل حياة البشر أكثر مشقة .. سعادتهم في احتياج الناس لهم ووقوفهم بأبوابهم وعلى مكاتبهم ..— HH Sheikh Mohammed (@HHShkMohd) August 26, 2018
لا تنجح الدول والحكومات إلا إذا زاد النوع الأول على الثاني .. #علمتني_الحياة
The second translates to:
"The second type are 'good-blockers', they make the easy difficult and they make the plenty inadequate. They suggest ways to make peoples’ lives more difficult, and their happiness lies in other people needing them and begging at their offices and doorsteps. Nations will never succeed unless the first type trumps the second type."The UAE offered the huge sum to India's prime minister, Narendra Modi to help rebuild to flood-ravaged state. But it's reported that India's Ministry of External Affairs is rejecting the UAE's assistance, looking to rely on domestic efforts to rebuild.
India has refused foreign aid since 2007.

Can I send my own account number sir?