Wonders shall never cease especially this Halloween period!
First 'twas the Ebola-themed Halloween party and now these folks telling their son he has been hit with Ebola in the meanest Halloween trick-or-treat ever!!!!
Just look at the poor boy's face....aww!!!

A video of a US couple telling their son he has Ebola as a joke has gone viral with nearly two million views in two days.
But it's divided viewers over whether it's a hilarious joke or cruel trick to play on a child.
It was originally posted on social media site Vine by Tevyn Demmings with the caption: 'When you lie and tell a bad ass kid they got Ebola #funny #Ebola'
In the brief clip, the mother, seen wearing a mask over her mouth and holding a thermometer, says: 'Look at his temperature!'
She shows it to the father, who is off-camera, who immediately declares: 'Oh hell no! He got Ebola!'
At this point, the boy screams in terror and bursts into tears at the news while his younger brother runs off.
Their love is WICKED......*InBrick&Lace'sVoice*
Their love is WICKED......*InBrick&Lace'sVoice*

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