Friday, 19 March 2021

Facebook plans Instagram for kids under 13 years olds

Facebook may soon be creating an Instagram designed primarily for children, a development coming just days after Instagram vowed to do more to protect children.
The app would be for children under the age of 13. Users of Instagram currently need to be at least 13 years old to register for the app, though there's nothing to stop kids from registering with a fake birth year. Social media apps are looking to build user bases at a young age that will become dedicated members - and viewers of their advertising - of platforms years to come. 
YouTube has a children's app, YouTube Kids, which launched back in 2016, but has run into trouble with targeted ads and violent videos making it through the app's filtering system.

1 comment:

  1. Denrele Yusuf16:37

    13 years old children are still young children and should not be on social media


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