Friday 6 December 2013

Tips: 11 Ways A Good Relationship Makes You Successful In Life And Business

You have probably heard the phrase “behind every great man is a great woman.” Of course, nowadays the phrase could also be reversed, but the point is still the same: good relationships can help make you successful in life and in the workplace.
This is important for those in a relationship and for those who are single to contemplate. Those who are single might consider the fact that it is beneficial to have a partner in life. Those who are in a relationship need to understand that what they do can make or break their counterpart’s success in the workplace. I need to remind myself of this as well, so let us learn together, shall we?

1. A partner can remind you what you love about your job.

When you come home from work in a huff and swear, “I am going to quit!” your loved one can help to calm you down and talk reasonably about the situation.

2. A partner can give an outside perspective.

Oftentimes, we can get so caught up in a situation that it can be hard to have perspective. Someone outside of the situation who is close to you might be able to assist in looking at the problem from a different angle and might even help you find a good solution.

3. We can be motivated to perform well.

We want to make our loved one proud. If that is not a motivating factor, another motivator may be that you are a provider for the family and you don’t want to let them down.

4. A romantic relationship can build our confidence.

Winning someone over, as well as maintaining a healthy relationship, can make us feel good about ourselves. We will radiate confidence wherever we go.

5. A partner can pick up the slack from time to time.

Sometimes you are just crazy busy at work. It can be a lifesaver to have a partner to pick up the slack at home for that time, whether it be making dinner or doing the laundry for you.

6. Your partner can help you remember what is most important.

We all have goals in life, but sometimes it is not about achieving the goals, but living in the moment. When friends or family are in town but you think you should stay late at the office, your loved one can nudge you to take time for the people in your life.

7. Your loved one can help you brainstorm.

If you are like me, you have tons of ideas bouncing around in your head at any given moment. It can be helpful to talk these things out with someone either for the sake of hearing them out loud or to get trusted feedback. Some of those ideas are just plain silly and it’s good to have someone tell you so!

8. Being involved in a romantic relationship helps you look your best.

This might take the form of hitting the gym more often or taking the time to fix your hair. Whichever details you pay special attention to in order to look good for your partner will pay off in the workplace as well. Those who look more pulled together are more likely to be offered more opportunities and/or promotions, not to mention the fact that we just feel good when we look our best.

9. A loved one is helpful in relieving stress.

Have you ever had a shoulder rub after a long day of work? Or were able to laugh at a funny movie with someone? These are only a couple of ways a partner can help relieve work-related stress. This can help you unwind and recharge for the next work day.

10. Happy home, happy life.

It is no secret that when things are good at home, this feeling tends to carry over to the rest of your life. You will be able to perform better at work if you are not bogged down with problems with your partner.

11. Personal cheerleader.

Your special someone should be your biggest cheerleader. Sure, they may not agree with everything you do, but they should be positive about your work. Your successes should be celebrated and it helps to have someone to cheer with you.
There are many ways a relationship can be helpful in making us successful in life and in the workplace. It is important for us to remember that we need to encourage our loved one so that he or she can be the very best. You really never know what great things this kind of support will lead to.

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