This is no simple matter in Italy, where prostitution sometimes seems as common as pasta. The selling of sex is not illegal in this country, but pimping and soliciting is (which is why most of the sex workers act uninterested at first when the customers pull up).
There are around 100,000 prostitutes currently working in Italy to service more than 2.5 million regular mostly male customers, according to national research statistics.
Drive down any of 20 or more EUR streets after dark—and often during the day—and you can’t miss prostitutes who are grouped according to race, sexual orientation and, it would seem, sexual titillation level. There are streets for transvestites, male prostitutes and Nigerian women; there are also streets lined with eastern European women and others with Asian girls. Some use campers they keep parked around the street corners. Others conduct their business on the hoods of parked cars. Street cleaners have long complained that the morning sweep contains sticky condoms and hypodermic needles. The scene repeats itself in other districts of Rome outside the city center, but not to the same extent as in EUR.
Now the mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino, wants to corral the street workers into red light zones where prostitution would be allowed in an attempt to “strike a balance” between residents and sex workers. He also wants to make it illegal to use city parks and other family-designated areas for the open sex trade.
If the experimental plan works in EUR, Marino says he will open other zones in Rome’s high-sex-traffic areas. None will be anywhere near the city’s tourist venues or the Vatican’s main churches.
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