Instead of it helping, it could actually cause pressure on the respiratory system, which will lead to other complications. The authority announced this via their official Twitter account on Sunday, adding that children are also strictly forbidden from wearing the N95 mask.
.— وزارة الصحة ووقاية المجتمع الإماراتية - MOHAP UAE (@mohapuae) February 29, 2020
تعرفوا معنا على أضرار هذا القناع الذي لا يُنصح أبداً بارتدائه
learn more about the disadvantages of these masks, and why it is not recommended to wear them.#فيروس_كورونا_المستجد #كوفيد19#وزارة_الصحة_ووقاية_المجتمع_الإمارات#coronavirus#covid19#mohap_uae pic.twitter.com/Nzbuv5vGY9
I thought that N95 was 95 Naira at first....