Saturday 9 September 2017

UAE, Saudi, Bahrain & Egypt release statement on repairing ties with Qatar

The UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt have released a statement regarding the severing of diplomatic ties with Qatar, and the attempts to repair ties between the countries.
 The four nations released a statement on Friday, thanking the assistance of Kuwait in attempting to mediate, however the four countries have said Qatar must not come to the table with negotiations. 
It says: "The four countries make it clear that any dialogue on meeting their demands should not be preceded by any prior conditions, and that the four countries regret what was said by the Emir of Kuwait on the success of the mediation efforts in stopping a military intervention, reiterating that the military option has not been and will not be considered in any case."

It also said the Qatar crisis "is not a Gulf dispute"

"But rather a crisis with many of the Arab and Islamic nations, which announced their position on Qatar's meddling in their affairs and its support for terrorism," the statement says. 

The full statement is below

"The United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain and Arab Republic of Egypt appreciate the mediation efforts made by His Highness Emir of Kuwait and his good offices to bring the Qatari authorities to the right path. 
"In the meantime and with regards to the Emir of Kuwait's statements that Qatar is willing to recognize the 13 demands and negotiate about them, the four countries make it clear that any dialogue on meeting their demands should not be preceded by any prior conditions, and that the four countries regret what was said by the Emir of Kuwait on the success of the mediation efforts in stopping a military intervention, reiterating that the military option has not been and will not be considered in any case, and that the crisis with Qatar is not only a Gulf dispute but rather a crisis with many of the Arab and Islamic nations, which announced their position on Qatar's meddling in their affairs and its support for terrorism; furthermore there are many other countries in the world that are not able to declare their positions due to Qatar's interference in their internal affairs, which made them fear the consequences, especially in light of the Qatari precedents in supporting coups, embracing and financing terrorism and extremist ideologies and promoting hate speech. 
"The statements made by the Qatari Foreign Minister hot on the heels of those made by His Highness Emir of Kuwait confirm Qatar's rejection of dialogue unless the boycott measure taken by the four countries to protect their sovereignty and interests in a legal way have been lifted. Putting such prior conditions affirms Qatar's lack of seriousness about dialogue, countering terrorism and stopping meddling in the affairs of other countries.
"The four countries commend the stance of US President Donald Trump and his firm assertions that the only way to solve the crisis is to stop funding terrorism and that he is not willing to resolve it unless this has been achieved."

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