In a devastating and bizarre twist of fate, a 41-year-old steward switched his flights to the doomed Malaysian Airlines MH17. The steward already had a brush with near devastation in the family when earlier this year his wife, who is a stewardess, switched off the missing MH370 flight.
According to the Malaysian Insider, Sanjid Singh, the Malaysian Airlines steward, had swapped flights to fly on flight MH17 that crashed with 298 on board in Ukraine last night. To make the situation even more bizarre and sad, just 131 days ago, his wife had swapped out of flight MH370 which then vanished while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The family had to be rejoicing that Singh’s wife switched the fated MH370 flight, only they had no way of knowing that fate would take Singh in her place.
The Malaysian Insider spoke with Jijar Singh, Sanjid’s devastated father and learned about the terrible twist of fate. Jijar told the outlet that they had prepared a welcome home feast for Sanjid as the last time he was home was over a month ago.
Jijar said:
TBW extends her deepest sympathies to the families of all those who perished on flight MH17.
The Malaysian Insider spoke with Jijar Singh, Sanjid’s devastated father and learned about the terrible twist of fate. Jijar told the outlet that they had prepared a welcome home feast for Sanjid as the last time he was home was over a month ago.
Jijar said:
“He was last here about a month ago. He told us recently that he swapped with a colleague for the return Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur flight. He always called us before he leaves for his trip. He was supposed to come here at noon after he returns from Amsterdam this morning. His mother had prepared all his favourite dishes.”Sanjid was Jijar’s only son, but he did have an older sister who lives in Italy. Jijar said it was his daughter who delivered the devastating news to him about his son’s passing. Jijar said his daughter waited four hours to tell him of the devastating news because she was concerned for his health.
“I have undergone two heart bypasses. Our daughter waited until 4am to tell us. She dare not tell us earlier. I am 71 and she (Sanjid’s mother) is 73. We are in such a state. My whole body is shivering. We are heartbroken because he was our only son. What to do? What has happened, has happened.”Sanjid leaves behind his wife and seven-year-old son. The family lived in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian Airlines has officially released the names of all the crew on board the doomed MH17 flight.
TBW extends her deepest sympathies to the families of all those who perished on flight MH17.

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