Friday 3 October 2014

Photos: Friend of Dallas-Ebola victim reveals his fear + Girlfriend's daughter & half brother speak

A friend of Texas Ebola patient, Thomas Duncan, who saw the sick man the day he was taken into hospital apparently 'vomiting wildly' has described his family's ordeal in isolation.
And, shockingly, three days after CDC officials visited him in the family's apartment, 43-year-old Aaron Yah revealed he had not received an order to remain indoors or any advice on how to cope.
Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Mr Yah said: 'The CDC came on Tuesday, the day it was confirmed Thomas had Ebola. They told me that the children should not go to school until 17 October.
'But it was not really confirmed to me that I should stay indoors. I don't know. Can you tell me?'
While Mr Yah said he does not know - and has not been told what to do - it was revealed on Thursday that Thomas Duncan's family have been ordered to stay indoors after violating officials request to do so.
Mr Yah, originally from Liberia, has lived in America for many years, he said. He lives with fiancée Youngor, 35, and their four children three boys ages 2, 4 and 11 and a six-year-old daughter.
He has been visited by CDC officials daily since confirmation of Mr Duncan's infection.
He said: 'They take our temperature and blood pressure but I don’t know what is going on. They do not tell us what to do for food. Maybe someone will bring us food. Or can I use my card to get some if I sanitize it. I know Ebola is in the blood and body fluids.'
As well as being confused and frightened for his family, Mr Yah said he did not know what was being done for Mr Duncan.
He said: 'They say the ZMapp is finished. So what will happen? Will he remain in hospital without medication for the rest of his life?'
Mr Yah only actually met Mr Duncan for the first time when the Ebola victim arrived in America last month. He appeared fit and healthy, he recalled.
The men came to know each other through Youngor's family – Mr Duncan stayed with Youngor's mother in Liberia and Mr Duncan's grandmother has provided care for their three youngest children at the now quarantined Ivy Apartments.
Sick with worry: Aaron Yah and his family are being monitored by the CDC after visiting Ebola victim Thomas Dunn on Sunday - the day he was taken to hospital and put in isolation
Aaron Yah

A member of the family who America’s first Ebola victim Thomas Duncan was staying with when he started getting ill has spoken out about the moment she realized that the man she calls ‘Daddy’ had developed the disease’s horrific symptoms.
Youngor Jallah visited her mother's home at Ivy Apartments in Dallas on Sunday morning and so shocked at the cold and weak condition that she found Duncan in that she decided to go and purchase a blanket for him.
On returning to her mother’s home she tried to get Duncan to drink some hot tea, but after seeing how red his eyes were she decided to take his temperature.
Discovering that his temperature was 102 degrees confirmed her worst fears that he could have the deadly Ebola virus.
‘I’ve been seeing Ebola on TV, how it starts, with muscle pain, red eyes. When I see his eye, it is all red, and I think maybe this time it is Ebola virus and I should be careful,’ Jallah, 35, told The Washington Post from her own nearby apartment, where she and her family are now under quarantine.
Next she called 911 and told them ‘My daddy is going to the bathroom constantly’. Duncan had been staying with his girlfriend, Jallah’s mother Louise Troh and her daughter considers the sick man to be like a stepfather to her. 
When two paramedics arrived 15 minutes later she advised them not to enter the apartment until they had put on gloves and face-masks.
While an ambulance took Duncan to the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, she followed in her vehicle along with several family members.
Jallah even brought along the blanket she had bought earlier for Duncan and which he had had draped around himself until the ambulance had arrived.
After many hours of sitting in the ER waiting room she was finally informed that Duncan had been isolated and couldn’t see visitors.
No one said Duncan had Ebola or came to take his 'infected' blanket or advised her about what to do next.
She told the Post that she returned to her mother’s apartment, sprayed everything with disinfectant and sprinkled liquid Clorox on the furniture.
Jallah also told her mother to not sleep on the bed and bought her sanitizers, a makeshift mattress and two new blankets.
A member of the family who America’s first Ebola victim Thomas Duncan was staying with when he started getting ill has spoken out about the moment she realized that the man she calls ‘Daddy’ had developed the disease’s horrific symptoms.
Thomas Eric Duncan

The half-brother of Thomas Eric Duncan said today that his brother did not intentionally come to America with the deadly virus.
Mr Duncan, a Liberian national, is currently in Texas Presbyterian Hospital in a stable condition with Ebola.
Wilfred Smallwood (pictured above) told CNN that his brother, who he had not seen in nine years, had been planning to come to the U.S. for a long time and had only just received his visa. 
Mr Smallwood's son is one of those quarantined in Dallas. Mr Smallwood, who lives in Phoenix, said today he was very worried for his son and his brother but couldn't understand why Texas Presbyterian Hospital had let him leave.
Despite his half-brother's protestations, it was also alleged on Thursday that Mr Duncan lied on airport forms which asked if he had come in contact with an Ebola sufferer. 
Mr Smallwood said his brother was unaware that a seven months' pregnant woman he helped to hospital was suffering from Ebola.
Mr Wilfred Smallwood


  1. CastleClashUSA21:22

    The monster's y'all create are now home! God is giving it back where it came from, here in a lab. Of course the president is now being blamed. Sad! They can treat it here, they made it.

  2. Anonymous21:24

    He knew he was sick. He was with two ppl who dead within days from one another. He gets his ass on a flight back to the states like its a game. Inconsiderate, lying bastard. This really pisses me off! He has come in contact with other ppl spreading this...this is a death sentence. This is sad

  3. Barry21:25

    That's FUCKED UP how he lied on a airport application asking him if he was around any one with Ebola. He stated no when he knew he went to visit someone dying in Africa who had Ebola. Now the government is charging him as a criminal for the lie. ASSHOLE!!!!!

  4. Anonymous21:28

    Liberian people re full of stupidity, same way the dumb fuck Patrick sawyer brought this shit into my country Nigeria, I wonder why the rest of the world should accept people coming from such part of west africa. If Nigeria can contained it, I'm sure u guys over there can do same, we had 19carrier of the virus here through Patrick sawyer 12 died and the rest survived. I pray nothing worst happen over there.

  5. Anonymous21:51

    Evil man.

    1. Anonymous22:29

      Evil must run in Liberia!!! *YesISaidIt*


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